Tomoko's Blog

Originally I made this blog to communicate with with my friends I made with in London . I arrived in London at 14th April 2005 and this is my start studying here. I like computer staff and would like to develop knowledge in that field . I am getting some knowledge from my friends who are so much in that field. So I would like to try what I get and put them on this blog which is useful and understandable for non computer expert person besides my personal diary.

Free Counter

Monday, March 31, 2008


I made cookies to bring my friends house.
On Sunday, I visit one friends and we do some girls talking with several girls all together.
Actually it is not just a girls talking though.
So I made cookies.
I think my cookies are improving.
I also made cookies the last Christmas and my family said they were terrible although
I think they are edible.
As far as they are edible, they are food without doubt.
My father comes back home after one week stay at the hospital.
Today he ate the cookies I made and left at the kitchen.
He said that where I purchased those cookies.
I said to him "What a big compliment!” He still does not believe.

I often use this web page.
the recipe I referred this time is :

Sorry, it is in Japanese.
It is something like cooking-wiki. Many people put their recipes and many people tried the recipes on it. If you know something in English like this, let me know, please !
The person who tried the recipes put their comment on it as well.
The recipes are basically so practical and nice.

This blog

This is the statistic report of this blog March2008.
United Kingdom was the first before.
Thank you very much visiting this page!

Japan - (Trend) 185 38.78%
United Kingdom - (Trend) 114 23.90 %
United States of America - (Trend) 72 15.09 %
Germany - (Trend) 12 2.52 %
India - (Trend) 9 1.89 %
Singapore - (Trend) 6 1.26 %
France - (Trend) 6 1.26 %
Canada - (Trend) 5 1.05 %
Sweden - (Trend) 5 1.05 %
Poland - (Trend) 4 0.84 %
Australia - (Trend) 4 0.84 %
Spain - (Trend) 4 0.84 %
Belgium - (Trend) 3 0.63 %
Undefined - (Trend) 3 0.63 %
Republic of Korea - (Trend) 3 0.63 %
Portugal - (Trend) 3 0.63 %
Indonesia - (Trend) 2 0.42 %
Switzerland - (Trend) 2 0.42 %
Czech Republic - (Trend) 2 0.42 %
Italy - (Trend) 2 0.42 %
Pakistan - (Trend) 2 0.42 %
Philippines - (Trend) 2 0.42 %
Norway - (Trend) 2 0.42 %

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My nerd friends

Yesterday I visited my nerd friend from UK. When I visited, his wife was not there to purchase some DIY things.
I wanted to have nerd friends like him so I think I should take this chance especially he is from UK and many things remind me of UK.
What I love about UK is people. There people are so funny.

I was in their house for three hours and waited his wife coming back with chatting with him.
This time we did not talk much about computer however we talk much about English study and movies.
He introduced me “Press Gangs”. Do you know this soup opera?
He said it is just so nice for English learning. We watched a bit on Youtube. It was a bit hard to fallow what they are talking.
At least I can see the heroin in that soup opera is so strong.
And he also introduced me the comedy Amanda …., I do not remember the name exactly.

My dentist

Today I called my dentist since I had a message that I should call him on Monday.
So I called him and he said that he is quitting the dentist university today and gives me the name of my new dentist in that dentist university.
I was so shocked.
He was my favorite dentist.
I understand I am just a patient and he can just go away after he pass me to my new dentist.
I wanted to say 'Thank you' and 'Good bye' to him seeing his face.
Since I visit this dental university every week and I feel more trust on him.
I guess he is opening his own Dental clinic and in that case he could have told me earlier.

Since I am working, I can be free only for lunch time.
So I often visited my dentist at the lunch time.
I find out that my dentist kind of gicing up his lunch time.
He was a kind dentist.
Thank you very much, my dentist !!

I feel sad,

In addition to that, my mentor in my company is also leavening the company.
He is a Japanese accountant and decided to have his own accounting farm.
In this industry, people move so often.
I think I need to use to it although I do not think I can.

Spring is the season of Cherry blossom.
Japanese Cherry blossom finish so quick and that makes us feel sad for thousands years.
We have to take that things are always moving and nothing can be kept.
In UK, many things are kept for many years though.
Spring is the season we have to understand we have to say good bye.

Italian restaurant

I went to an Italian restaurant with my close friends.
I did not this sort of time for long time.
It is not difficult and I do not know why I did not have this sort of time.
We just eat and laugh.
One thing we have a small argument.
She does not like talk about money, especially when we settle.
I like to make things clear.
When we received the bill, I calculate to half it to the level of 100yen not 1yen level. However she thinks I should calculate to the level of 1000yen and should not make things too small since that can makes her feel poor.
She said.
To be friends require marching their living way.
I had nice time though,
Maybe she is from rich family and I am not.
I think sometimes people can feel bad even for such small money, 100yen.
So I think I prefer to make things clear and make sure that we are happy with our payment.
However I also need to understand that for some people it is just spoiling their enjoying time. Difficult!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I visit a park called Rikugien to see Blossom tree after I finish work.
There we can see some special tree.

The result of the exam

Yesterday when I came back home, I find an envelop from the Book-keeping exam center.
I took two exams: second grade exam and third grade exam the last February.

Firstly I opened the third grade one.
The result was "I am sorry however you score was not enough".
I was so shocked because I might not be able to be at my company any more, I thought.
The third grade is considered easy and it looked like I did not pay effort to pass it or
I am horrible luck of the talent of bookkeeping.
My company decided to hire me not because of my skill but the potential in me.
I opened the second grade exam's envelop.
It looked a bit strange. It is just so big.
I find a big formal paper saying "Congratulation".
I did not pass the easy exam and but the difficult one.
I think I do not need to tell about the third grade one.
My boss is happy as far as I can pass the difficult one and nobody will care about the third one.

It is more than welcome, send me a Congrats mail to me.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ending note

I am purchasing books for my parents from Amazon.
The book title is "Ending note". Some publishers make the same sorts of books called Ending note.
I want them to prepare for their ending so that we can do things in the right ways.
That book has a style that readers write in according to the guideline on it.
which picture they want to use for the ending party and what they want to do with their belongings and which friends they want to invite to their ending party so on.
I am quite sure when I loose them, I will loose the ability to think and manage things.
So I need something which I can fallow and do not need think at all.
I purchase books for my mother and my father so that they can write in together with chatting.
It might be a kind of enjoyable.
At the moment, I am health and not so old to prepare for my ending however it might not be bad I also make my ending note.
I am quite sure my parents use my stupid picture at my ending party and they will not be able to invite my close friends since they do not know much about me.
I do not want to be buried at cold tomb which many of my dead relatives are in.
I want to be in Hawaii Sea after I am burned and become white powder. And I want to my family travel happily,
I do not think they can even think of it.
Do you think I am a bad daughter to purchase this book for my parents?

Monday, March 24, 2008


I and the owner of the apartment decide to clear our contract officially.
I needed to get some document from my father however he is at the hospital and could not get the document from the local government.
The owner started to doubt me saying a lie.

I was disappointed.
To be honest that document is not really required usually and I have no idea why the owner insists my submitting that document.

Among my colleague, I have one person who I feel something extra respect since she talk to me more reasonably and I feel safe with her.
She has more experience in this society and has more knowledge although she is just a few years older than me.

Today she invited me going lunch.
We often go to Korean restaurant since this restaurant is her favorite and I also like.
I think she care about me and asked about my apartment and my father.
I am happy to have person like her in my daily life.
That is so enough make me strong.
Small care to others makes that people cure from hurting and difficulty.
I think I also need to be like that to others.
I thank her.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

hard weekend

I had a hard weekend.
Firstly I was not able to move out to my new place. I made a contract and paid fee however one thing which is required by them was not fulfilled. So I was not able to get the key. This contract might be cleared although it is suspended at the moment.
Secondly my father is in the hospital now and he will be there for some weeks.
I insisted his going to the hospital but he rejected and even shouted at me.
So I shouted him back and took him by taxi in the end.
After I take him to the hospital I dropped in a park which is famous for cherry blossom on my way back home. I feel bit sad and tired however. Seeing cherry blossom is a nice medicine for me.
I know I am lucky since I was able to take him before more serious.

My father

I believe all girls are strongly love by their fathers.
I am also one of them.
The last weekend I went to a furniture shop to purchase a bed to my new place.
Since the furniture shop is located in a difficult place to get to by train and I need to ask my father to take me there by car.
My father is already retired and he is quite happy at home.
Many of retired men have difficulty in their life after they get retired since most of them know only how to work and
if the work was taken, they have nothing to do in life.
10% of them are suside and it is a serious social problem.
Our family is lucky because my father enjoys staying at home and he even washes my underwear.
I am not proud of it though.
Actually he does not have good health.
He had cancer some years ago and after he had a big surgery he has been weak.
When I asked him to take me to the furniture shop, he did not feel good.
So he stayed at the car while I was seeing around in the furniture shop.
If I know he did not feel good, I did not ask him to take,
What is more, I start to think moving out is not good idea.

At my age, people return back to their family to take care of their parents.
Since I finish all the procedure of moving out, I can not cancel anymore.
I think similar way when I decided to go to London and I think going London was my great decision.
I hope this moving out decision is also going to be my right decision.

Tree cutting

Sometimes I do not understand my father.
What I know about him is he loves me so much.
He is a typical Japanese men and he is not good at expressing what he think.
I do not even remember I talk properly with him.
When he is not happy, he just shouted and never explains and when he is happy he just smiles.

One more thing I know about him is that he like cutting trees.
We have small garden in our house and he often cut all the branches.
We have some trees which are supposed to blossom often do not blossom because of his cutting.
In front of our family house, we have a small public park.
He even cut the branches of trees there and sometimes no branches because of his cutting.
It happens every some years.
Our family said to him it is not good to cut trees which are not ours.
I do not know why he does this and feel really shame.
Yesterday I find trees in the parks do not have any branches.

He is a bit difficult in this way.
However I love him and I decide to make him happy and never feel sad or lonely.
When he was a child he was abandoned his mother and brought up his grandparents.
I think he deserved to be cared and loved.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

No make-up

Today I do not make up at all.
I sometimes I do not make up.

To be honest, I do not really change my face even if I make up fully.
However I know that making up in really important.

Making-up shows my attitude toward the environment around me and people around me.
I can show my positive attitude, I believe.

I think if people at my company people sometimes flatter me, I think I can have more motivation to dress up nice and make up nice.

I think I will go to making up a bit soon with my small make-up-tools.

A nail that sticks up gets. hammered down

I think to describe Japanese corporate character.
It is one of the great expressions.
We should not do anything except what you are ordered even if you think you had better do.
I am sitting the corner of the big desk called "open desk".
So the place I am sitting is not really my desk. It is just I often sit and I put some of my work material on the desk constantly. Basically we share this big table with several people.
Currently this big open-desk is too filled out with many work materials which are not belonging to anyone.
If you see the desk, I am quite sure you will be surprised.
It is really that extent.
We have this condition almost one month.

I can not even work properly and all people think it is really inconvenient to have those unusing materials on our open-desk.

However nobody do anything.
Can you guess?

A nail that sticks up gets. hammered down

This is the answer.

You might think it is so stupid and I am joking. It is just a small thing. We can just move materials to the shelves or other places.
However people really do anything about this because nobody wanted to be a hit nail.
We can be hit for even this kind of small things.
So basically we can not do anything for this.
If you do, you have high possibility to be blamed and if you do not do, you have high possibility not to be blamed.

In my life, I was in this kind of environment sometimes.
And I have experienced in this world at high school or University or precious work place.

I thought I had better to be quiet and do not do anything since people also happy if I do not do anything.
I should not existed as a human just and object here.
In this way, I sometimes obtained peace.
However I also know that if I ignore the problem and do not do anying, that problem will harm me soon even if at the moment it does not directly harm me as far as the problem is happen in the world I belong.

So I decided even if I get hurt from acting I should do something.
Either way, I will get hurt, however I think I will feel nice if I express what I think properly and behave depending what I believe.

Today, I asked my boss if I can move materials to the small segregated desk which currently nobody uses or the shelves.

He just says something which means nothing.

So I moved materials to that desk without proper permission.
I hope it is ok since he did not say NO.

Just moving materials requires me being desperate and ready for getting hurt or blamed.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The work

Can I tell the truth?
Recenly I have nothing to do at the work.
For a while I worked a bit for other department and I really enjoyed.
We did Business Due Duligence in the wedding industy.
I am not sure I will have my wedding in the future or not however I still belive in love and romance and
like to talk about happy materials.
Now I am a kind of expert in this.
Do you know how much ratio of devorced people re-marry again?
Isn't it so interesing?!

Now I returend back to my desk and really I feel abundant.
I think I can study however what is the meaning of the study if I can not apply my knowledge to the work?!
So I just sit there whole day.
From the next month, we have a new boss and become bigger.
I think I have to be patinet and use the time as my study oppostunity.
I am like too boiled pasta.
I know it is waste of my life.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Confident is something new concept to me.
I remember my Suffolk family told me to have confident and walk with confident and shave hands with confident and look at people's eyes with confident.
I remember my Suffolk father said when I shake hands with him that my hand was like a dead fish.
They teach me that confident means the trust.

In Japanese culture, it is not really polite to look at people's eyes.
I do not know the reason but I can only guess the reason. Looking means judge. People are scared to be judged.
Confident makes people strong however strong girls are never be our preference.

Maybe I do not really understand the meaning of confident yet.
If you know the meaning of confident, tell me about it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Friday Nit

This Friday we are to have special dinner.
A partner in my department is quitting and we are having a Farwell party.
Although he was a high position person and I respect him because of his huge experience and knowledge, I feel close to him in a way since he spoke to us casually and sometimes even angry with something small like a child.
There are many memories with him.

He is wearing a wig and all people here know. I did not know that since nobody told me.
I am not the person who laughs at somebody's physical issue.
So whey his hair looked short I said to him" Do you have a hair cut? Nice hair cut."
All people around me are frozen.

There are many stupid episodes with him.
I am so small now. I hope in the future I would like to show myself to him after I grow and become so excellent in this field.

Moving out

I am moving to my new place in a week.
I am quite comfortable in my family house. In Japan, it is not so shameful to be stay with parents especially for girls.
So I do not really have much motivation to be independent.
What is more, I can save money and the money I pay for my parents is helpful for them
although it might not be big.

So actually I do not know why I am moving out.

My new town is one of my favorit towns.
I think I will see the reason after I move out.
Pleae wish me good luck in my new place.
No ghost and no insects.

I am enjoying a nit spending in my family house now....

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wedding home party

I attend a Wedding home party.

He is my nerd friend.
He sometimes gives me long E-mail talking about hacking. I like that.
Yesterday I think we discuss about hacking for two hours before the party start. Maybe I should discuss about hacking here and write what I think of it.
There I met his nice friends and enjoyed talking with them.
We all together take a walk near the river.

After I came back from London, I suffer from missing London and people there. However I think I started to be happy in Tokyo in someway.
At the party I met many of his nice friends.

I really appreciate his friendship!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hand made cosmetic

Recently I added my new hobby to the old ones.
I started make hand made cosmetic. They are just for taking-care- cosmetic and not making up such as face tonic and milk cream.
It is extremely easy and I found they are really nice and cheap.
No preservation element!
If you know nice website, let me know please!
Here there are the links I am referring. 植物性乳化ワックス 


Sometimes I talk with people just passed by my desk for a few minutes,
My team-member complained that I stop moving my hands for work.

I find it a bit unfair.
Some of my colleagues smoke and when they some they get down to the ground floor by elevator and smoke
the smoking area which is located at the back side of the building.
I think my talking with people is so small time and less than the time of going to the ground floor by elevator.
What is more they need the time for going and returning and smoking itself.

I wanted to say that to him however I did not.
I just smiled and say thanks for correcting me.
If I say he would be angry more.
I think smoking people can take a rest for smoking and non-smoking people have to work without even a min rest.
Such an unfair thing!

This is one more reason I do not like smokers except the smell.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My boss's birthday

Recently my boss had his birthday.
I know he wanted to be celebrated and have a small party.
Although my company is foreign originated, we are basically Japanese. Japanese company people
do not really celebrated colleagues' birthday.
If he was happy with it, I thought I would love to plan it.
However I've got an E-mail from him "Please do not plan for my birthday."
I was a bit shocked and asked him if he was sure about it.
Then I gave up it therefore I did not plan anything.
On his birthday, he looked unhappy and even angry since nobody plan anything for his birthday nit.
Since he is married man, I think he can get angry with his family if he want.
His unhappiness and angry was so obvious and people around him were upset and tried to fix it.
Some of them even blamed me for not planing at all.

What I am supposed to do for this?
I thought I can not do anything and do not want to do.
In the end, on of other staff planed the drinking out party and things were settled.
I felt a bit fed up with and did not go out with them saying I felt too tired and sick.
If you can understand his behavior, could you translate it to me?

Company men

I often think men who I meet in company are really difficult to treat.
I know I should not say since I am also just imperfect human being.
Although hiding what I think do not change the way I think.
Firstly they need to be praised constantly and if I fail them to praise, they start to get angry.
I can praise them but not every single minute!
I am a girl and understand my limitation.
However I work hard, and study hard, I can not be strong like a man and need help from them.
You might not agree however I think girls need to respect men since they work hard and strong.
Especially here in Japan, Japanese men are the people who made this wealthy Japan after World War Two.
In this way, I respect them in a certain way however still I find them difficult to treat sometimes.
Secondly they do not explain what they are not happy with and just express their anger.
I do not think it is quite common things all over Japan. I am not sure in other countries.

I am sure most women at companies often think "I am not a kinder-garden teacher."

Tuesday, March 11, 2008



I've got a twitch at the corner of my eye constantly.
I have some reason to have this symptom in my mind.
After I obtained the internet wireless access at the speed of 7 mbp wherever I am in Tokyo
, I really enjoy this.
I love to try out new Linux and adjust or I like to download the software and try out and
I love to get the information for what I think curious.
I even hold my computer when I sleep because of my love.

Whenever I find my time, I start to use my private computer.
I also use computer at the work.
So my eyes are overused.

Do you think I should give up the internet wireless access at the speed of 7 mbp?


I again start to go to after-work-school and attend a new upper level class.
I do not get the result about the previous course exam yet.
Now I have to go to school two days a week after work and if I miss the class, I need to give up my weekend.
I did not wanted since I feel like I just study in my life.
I really want to be good at work though.
Anyway I start the new course, called "First Grade Bookkeeping".
The previous course was equivalent to the level of the commercial high school and the current course is equivalent to the level of the University.

I did not tell anyone so that I do not need to feel burden.
I think I even allow myself to absent from the school when I have other enjoyable plan if I have such as going to a movie or shopping.
At the moment, I am attending the class so diligently though.
Life is not just for study and work.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Religious girl

Here we Japanese people are scared of religion
Although by law, we have to respect other people’s believe.
If you show something religious, people might consider you dangerous people who are so fragile and need to depend on something religion.
I am a Christian. I sometimes go to the church.
Recently I purchased some book there since I've hard about that book before and a bit interested in.

I keep that book in the drawer of my desk at the company and read in the morning before people come sometimes.
Usually I do not need to open that drawer in front of other people. However I opened it and one person recognized that book,
which never looks something finance or accounting and he mentioned that book. I did not want to be considered as a dangerous weird person,
so I said "my friend gave me this and I just keep it here." People often said Japanese people are polite or modest however
I think we are so arrogant to judge people and we just do not really tell that.

I think my attitude was not good. Maybe I did not need to make any excuse.


There is a cafe I secretly use often.
I think it is my secret cafe since I thought nobody in my company knows it.
It is located on the basement floor in a new small building.
They serve unique Japanese coffee such as bean-milk coffee or Japanese black sugar coffee.
Actually their coffee taste really nice.


There are many branch of this coffee shop in Tokyo

When I was there morning to prepare myself for work, I find my company people there.
I think he looked also not so happy to see me although we have never talked each other and just know faces each other.

Skip girl

I found a girl who was skipping in the office.
I guess she must have something extreme happy things.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


I am unassigned today to any projects.
I really do not have anything to do.
Theoretically i can study however my department people do not like me to study since that conveys the message to other department our department does not have enough projects. It is really a shame for people in the management level toward other department people..
So in really what I can do is just sitting there.
I feel tired more than when I work, even sad.
I loose even will to eat or make up and everything.
I should go home as soon as possible and sleep.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I met Dave-san

Yesterday I drop in a electronic shop in the Tokyo station.
There I find a familiar face to me.
He is Dave-san, an American comedian in Japan. I said "Wow" and he smiled at me.
When I met a people from TV, I always feel confused. They really look like in the same way as I see them on TV although they normally can not see me when I see them on TV. However when we met, he was able to see me. That is so strange feeling.
At first since I was confused I talked to him in English although I know that he has extremely good command of Japanese. As far as I’ve heard from TV that he is extremely cleaver and have good command in both in Japanese and English.
His face looked as if he does not understand what I said.
So I said “Oh, you remember now that you understand much more in Japanese than English”. And say Hi! to him Japanese. He also asked me what I am looking for.
I did not talk to him more since I thought I should not since he was enjoying his private time.
However he kindly say good bye to me when he left the shop.


The reason I am extreamly happy today is.....
I make a contract with Emobile, which is a comapny provide us internet connection.
Thier service is quite unique.

I can bring my computer anywhere and I can access to the internet wherever I am in Tokyo with the seed of 7M.
I do not need to make a contract with any internet providers.
Although I have some passion in computer, I did not have much time to play with it.
I guess I can play with it whenever I find time during daytime, I can do that !!
It is really like a dream!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Today I had a casual conversation with my colleague.
He said that he was taken to a nice Sushi-bar by his boss today.
According to him, it is a standing bar and really nice and quite cheap. He kindly said that if I want we shall go there someday.
I think I would like to try that shush bar and asked him to take me there tomorrow.
He said that "Of course" and after that he added that "however I prefer the next day of tomorrow".

Can you guess the reason?

Since he has to eat same thing, it is not really happy to eat there.
I think he is so right.

According to him, there he was not able to find any girls.
In our country there are still many places basically-for-men place.
I do not care and would like to try it !


Yellow girl

I am yellow now.
Since I am Japanese and yellow but I am more yellow than that.
My cheek become yellow because of the surgery I took last Friday on my wisdom tooth.

By the way, I had a small conversation with my American colleague.
He is genetically Chinese and brought up in US.
According to him, in US people like him, who is Asian and brought up in western country is called Banana.
The reason is that their appearance is yellow but their inside is white.

I am yellow and brought up in Japan, so maybe I am a mango or pineapple.
I would like to be a pineapple since they look cheerful although hard to eat it.


The department I belong had a bit tought time last year.
Actually it was split into two because of the confliction. Today I received the E-mail that the split segments is to be combined
by the end of this month,
Japanese company’s fiscal year start from April and it ends March.
That means the department I belong split and combine within one year. So the company decided to make the annual document as if nothing happen!
Is this kind of things really happened?
Since I am new here, still I do not really understand what has happened. Many people says various things and many rumors are around.
Although my company is forgone originated one however we still have some custom of Japanese.
Often the real reasons are hidden and the false reason is announced.

It is the management level problem and I should not worry about the things at this level however many staffs are so stress out.
We doubt each other often and some of them really think and act in a political way.
Anyway I am happy we combine together and start a new fiscal year!
I wish a nice fiscal year for us.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Swallen face

My face is terribly swallen at the moment since I've got a surgery on my teeh last Friday.
I think people might think I was hitted by someone.
Especially my lips are also damaged and they really look like hitted damaged lips.

So I wear some mask to hide my face.
here Japaen we wear a mask often when we catch a cold or we had alegy for herbs.
Recently I have been asked people from other country that why Japaense wear masks when they get cold.
Actually I also do not know.
I guess we try not to scatter the germ to others.

Yeah but Not but

I tried to talk to my friend in london last sunday.
However I could not.

Since we have big time difference, when I sleep, she is awake and when she sleep I am awake.
It is someting like
Yeah but Not but Yeah but Not but.....

By the way, my favorite Little Britain's joke is
that they call the team "Fat Fartors" instead of "fight fatter's".

I hope I can talk to her soon.....