Tomoko's Blog

Originally I made this blog to communicate with with my friends I made with in London . I arrived in London at 14th April 2005 and this is my start studying here. I like computer staff and would like to develop knowledge in that field . I am getting some knowledge from my friends who are so much in that field. So I would like to try what I get and put them on this blog which is useful and understandable for non computer expert person besides my personal diary.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

another starbucks bear

I decided to try again.
In the bible it is said that “you should continue knock the door, then it shall open. You should continue to search, then it shall be found.”
We have to be consist.

Today, I purchased a Starbucks bear near my office. I found only one bear there and I asked the staff “where are other bears? ” . The staff said this is the last one.
It is not because this bear is popular but they do not make many according to her.
While the staff was wrapping it, she gave a small cup of coffee.
Actually I quit coffee, I took it and enjoyed.

I would like to send this bear to my parents for Valentine day with chocolate.
I would ask them not to give it away this to anyone. I hope they do not give away my presents this time.

Now I imagine things this say. Probably they are nice people and would like to give things to people. So they does not care where the things come from or how the person who gave it feel if they give it away.

This time, I will write a nice card explaining why they need to keep that bear and how I feel if they do not keep it in a nice way. Wish me a luck.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

a starbuck bear

a starbuck bear

Recently I went to Australia. I purchased only two things for my family.
One is a shoes to my one year old niece. The other is a soft toy bear from starbucks.
This bear wear a jacket and really cute.
The bears from starbucks always have the name of the region. This time “Australia”!
I purchased this for my parents since I thought if they keep it in the family house, it would be a good remembrance of my trip.

However my mother gave it to my niece.
I asked her to keep it at home so that it will make a good collection.
I am not happy about this.
Of course, I can not ask my sister to return it. So I just say to my mother “Next time I buy a bear, please keep it at home so that it will make a good collection. ”

My mother do not really care how I feel, I often feel complain.
I remember when I buy her a birthday present to her some years ago, she gave that to her relative in front of me the next second. I think maybe she just does not understand people have feeling or she is living in a different culture.
I think I should respect her culture.
I understand after we give a presents to someone, we should not concern what that person is going to do with it because we are not the owner anymore.

By the way, this picture is not mine. So the bear has a flog of China.
Mine was “Australia”. Other things are completely same.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I send a Christmas present to my niece.
She is just one year old. I purchased a pink nit hat near my place.
My sister sent me picture of her with that hat but no message inside the envelope.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Japanese income

I would like to introduce about Japanese work situation.

The left graph is the average income of Japanese depending on the age.

The blue line is the men and red line is the women.

men women



70years old 411 253 <>

65~69years old 398 215

60~64years old 505 233

55~59years old 638 263

50~54years old 667 266

45~49years old 662 278

40~44years old 634 281

35~39years old 560 296

30~34years old 463 300

25~29years old 381 295

20~24years old 271 231

19years old以下 156 126

total average 542 271

Men earn most when they are 50~54years old. Women earn most when they are 30~34years old.

Women’s average never over 300. This amount is a bit small to live independently.

I do not say it is unfair. I think many Japanese women are not interested in independent.

It does not mean women are not allowed to be independent. I think if they want they still have way.

professional's incomes in Tokyo 1

Here is the average income depending on the professions.

I think it is quite interesting.

A cabin attendant earns more than a first-class architect.

profession average income(unit=10,000yen)(10,000yen=50pound)

1 pilot 1308

2 university professor 1122

3 doctor 1104

4 correspondent 894

5 university semi professor 878

6 lawyer 851

7 accountant 831

7 certified public tax accountant 831

9 policemen 813

10 dentist 780

11 high school teacher at the public schools 776

12 lectures at universities 766

13 elementary school or junior high teacher at public school 742

14 high school teacher 736

15 fire man 717

16 maritime safety official 688

17 researcher 676

18 train driver 613

19 cabin attendant 601

20 first-class architect 599

21 professional engineer 594

- private company average 435

Monday, January 12, 2009



I did not realized until recently that cakes are really special food to me.
Cakes are not the food we have to eat but the food we choose to eat.
They are pretty and I took it granted.
Recently I traveled and found out that in some area in the world, cakes are not pretty.
The cakes I saw from the window are even squashed and the jam insides are dropped out.
I was shocked to see as much as I see girls walking showing their underwear or boys are hitting girls.

I was thinking of these ugly cakes for some days.
I thought they look ugly and do not look delicious however it must taste nice otherwise it is too bad.
I went into one of the ugly shops where three small tables and 5 steel pipe chairs.
and asked a piece of vanilla slice and a cup of tea. It cost around 5 pound.
There 5 pound is the money we can eat one dish of cheap curry. I have to say it is not that cheap.
The cream of the vanilla slice was not good at all. I am not the specialized in cakes however I love pretty cakes as a ordinary person.
Why it is like that?!
It is hard to accept this fact.
Cakes are special things which makes us happy and that is why we pay for that .
I do not know what in this world I can find happiness if cakes are like that .