I put counter on my blog page. This counter gives me so many information which countries visitors are and which operation system are used to see my page.
My favorite information is which key word they goggle and reach my page.
Here is key words my visitors are used on the pictures. I would like to answer on by one.
1.boring hobbis.
Well,maybe my blog would be boring hobbies. I remember the definition of "nerd" is "the people who have boring hobbies and unfashionable".
I assume people would like to observe people who have boring hobbies and unfashionable.
Maybe, this person want to find "btjunkie". Here is the URL.
I hope this information would be helpful.
3.tomoko blog
I am not sure if I am the tomoko which this person wanted ti find since tomoko is a quite common name in Japan.
4."core duo mean"
I discuss the computer spec and processor. I put all what I know about it.
I only know it is double structure processor.
5.Average computer spec
Well, it is really interesting topic.
We always need to know who much ability we need for computer.
We should not purchased more than we need because sooner new technology will come out.
We shall purchase just what we need. I would like to use this topic later.
6.bitjunkie, manual download.
I discuss about bitjunkie. i hope my article /comoputer/bitjunkie would be some
helpful information for he/she.
7.choose computer spec
Again, concerning computer spec.
Yes it is really important topic.
When we purchase we consider spec. However spec is the only thing we should consider?? I would like to discuss later.
"cookpad" is Japanese cooking page I often use.
I guess He/she wanted to find out "cookpad" page. I guess I distract he/she.
9.english "various kind" an d "various kinds".
Well, I guess "various kind" is the correct one. is it??
10.gigabyte movie hoe many average.
In average, the size of each movie is around 1GB (1 gigabyte) and one song is 4MB (4 megabyte). I consider this way from my experience.
Of course these numbers are different from case by case.
I would like to discuss the rest of the key word later.