I guess this visitor wanted to find a free tool to defragment Linux file system ext3.
We do not need fragmentation for Linux file system.
If you find your computer is slower than you expect under Linux, you had better search another reason of bad performance.
The users of Windows frequently meet such kind of problem that because of defragmentation of their file system.When I installed Linux for the first time, my first question, as an experienced Windows user was exactly like that - I considered it natural that we need defragmentation. I was wrong :)
By the way, Linux name of windows file system is either "ntfs" (for Windows XP by default) or "vfat" (Windows XP optional file system, which is also called FAT32). I already talked about it in my blog (/computer/defragmentation). Linux originally has better file systems - ext3, reiserfs and others, which do not have a problem of defragmentation.
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