Making up
I met some make-up artist there. I did not know her but she is apparently a famous one in that field.
What she is specialized in was not just making up but the reading people's luck from their faces.
Reading palms is more common but also reading peoples' faces is exist.
We have given faces but at the same time we have been build up our faces depending on what have happened and what we react to them.
Well, what she said to me was bit shocking since it was too correct.
She said that since my childhood, I always listened to people's story and need someone who can listen to me.
Well, since I talk a lot so my friends might not agree that I need more people to talk and I need to talk more. However I know what she said was right.
Since I was a child, I listened to my parents and they did not listed to me.
I talk a lot. But I talk to try to entertain people or something. I hardly talk what I want.
This is the reason I feel lonely.
I do not share what I have in my mind really even thought I really want.
I this only big reason I wanted to study in UK.
I believed that in UK I am allowed to express what I think as much as I want.
I wanted to do that to the end of my desire at least once in my life.
I love tea for this as well.
When we have tea, we are allowed to talk what is not really business.
So I love that time. It is not something special but important time. It does not cost much as well. However it is really hard to have that kind of time.
Something which is not difficult is difficult to get sometimes.
She said that I really need to find someone who I can talk.
And she said more suggestions about making ups.
Well, I am not really religious, but she was great. I've got to admit.