Bananan Man
Recently, he has left.
I called him Banana man in myself.
There is a reason why I call him Banana Man.
One day, I was eating banana in the afternoon. Banana is useful food since it is really filling and easy to eat. We can eat with doing work when we feel hungry. I remember when I watched tennis matches at Wimbledon, quite many player carried banana with them so I guess many people agree that banana is useful food.
When I was eating banana, that man was laughing and I did not know the reason and I do not even try to know the reason. The next day, I had chance to talk with him and he said he was so surprised to see I ate banana. According to him, only a girl who is in the sexual films eat banana.
I was so shocked to hear that. Only my eating banana makes guys thing that way?
I think he is a bit too much.
I was kind to him even after that but I did not like him really.