Tomoko's Blog

Originally I made this blog to communicate with with my friends I made with in London . I arrived in London at 14th April 2005 and this is my start studying here. I like computer staff and would like to develop knowledge in that field . I am getting some knowledge from my friends who are so much in that field. So I would like to try what I get and put them on this blog which is useful and understandable for non computer expert person besides my personal diary.

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Region restriction

In the book club meeting, one of us mentioned one American soup opera called LOST and it is a story who are lost in
some island and they have book club there.
One of us asked the member who mentioned this where they get books.
Interesting question!
I want to watch this soup opera!
I visited the offical web site of this web-site. There the full length of streams are give , apparantely.
When I click to watch full length stream, I've got a messange that this full length strams are only for people who are in
How come!
The internet is the things which we can get the information regardless where we are as far as we get the access to the internet, isn't it?!

BBC as well. We can not get some pages if we are not in UK.
If I have time, I would like to write a report about internet region restriciton.
Nice topic isn't it?!


  • At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's local copyright reason is why you can not watch the US stream.

    i.e. the local cable/satellite company have to pay for the right to broadcast the video. So they would loose customers (well ones that understand English) if they can watch it for free.

  • At 4:53 PM, Blogger Tomoko said…

    Thanks for the explanaion.
    Copyright is a contravertial issue.
    I think it is basically the thing to protect the creators profit.However it might just help the people who surround the creator not the creator.
    I am not rich, when can not get on the internet, I simply give up. So I think this restriction does not make me pay for the local /cable company though.


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