Tomoko's Blog

Originally I made this blog to communicate with with my friends I made with in London . I arrived in London at 14th April 2005 and this is my start studying here. I like computer staff and would like to develop knowledge in that field . I am getting some knowledge from my friends who are so much in that field. So I would like to try what I get and put them on this blog which is useful and understandable for non computer expert person besides my personal diary.

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Monday, December 05, 2005


When I was working at the Brest Cancer Research Shop, one customer said to me TA.
What is TA???
TA seemed not a word but just some sound.
My colleague told me that TA is the Abbreviation of “Thank you”.
Nobody can imagine the TA can mean “Thank you”, can’t they! I am watching BBC every morning but they have never said TA.
I think this must me the real conversation and I need to learn on by one.
I learnt two more things. When one customer bought a Video tape and said “ Anything good?”. I though he was asking us if there was more nice video tapes in the shop. I thought if he wanted to check, he could see the video tapes on the selves by himself.
My colleague told me that he was asking us if video he was buying is worth to see or not. How can the sentence “anything good” can meant that!!
My colleague answered to him “it is must”. I though that she recommended the video saying it is a nice video and he must see it. But in really to she meant that he must see the video to judge it is nice or not.
Still I could not understand well.


  • At 3:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just noticed this post.
    "TA" is used a lot in Australia too! I had never heard it in the U.S. Have you tried saying "TA" in the shop?


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