Tomoko's Blog

Originally I made this blog to communicate with with my friends I made with in London . I arrived in London at 14th April 2005 and this is my start studying here. I like computer staff and would like to develop knowledge in that field . I am getting some knowledge from my friends who are so much in that field. So I would like to try what I get and put them on this blog which is useful and understandable for non computer expert person besides my personal diary.

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

/computer/spec/Integrated graphical accelerator

To understand computer spec, we need to know Integrated graphical accelerator.
My computer's Integrated graphical accelerator is Intel 950. "950" is just a name and does not have a particular meaning.
An accelerator is the system between display and kernel .If you do not know about kernel, you can refer to the article "/comp uter/ operation system" in this blog.
Display is consist of many dots, as all of us know. These dots are called pixcels.
Each pixel has three channels: red , green, blue. which are called RGB.
We need to manipulate each pixcel to make color and pictures. The job manipulating the color of these pixel is the job of accelerator. Before this job was performed by CPU but to make CPU free from this job, accelerator is added.
This is graphical accelerator. My graphical accelerator is "Integrated graphical accelerator". So it is Integrated with sth. Sth is Video memory.
i would like to write about Video memory in next article.


  • At 4:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This gets really exciting when you compare the different television standars. Japan and USA uses NTSC and we have this PAL.

  • At 12:25 AM, Blogger Tomoko said…

    I do not have TV because I am a poor
    student in London.
    In London, people need license to watch TV beside TV itself.
    One year TV license cost bit less than £200 as far as I remember.


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