Tomoko's Blog

Originally I made this blog to communicate with with my friends I made with in London . I arrived in London at 14th April 2005 and this is my start studying here. I like computer staff and would like to develop knowledge in that field . I am getting some knowledge from my friends who are so much in that field. So I would like to try what I get and put them on this blog which is useful and understandable for non computer expert person besides my personal diary.

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Friday, April 28, 2006

Be positive

"Be positive", people always say that. I do not really know what pople ment when they say.
I usually try to be pretend to be positive.This is the only thing I can do.
I meant I can ignore what is not good and try to see good aspect of things and concentrate what I can do. But actually I can see bad aspects as well.
During I pretend, sometimes things go well and sometimes does not
inspite of my effort.
In that case, I can not pretend more and ignore what is not good.
Theseday my life is like that.
My PC was broken and my mobile phone was broken and the fata of the assignemnt was broken and chair inmy room was broken and my headphone was broken.
The Next is me?
Well, I am doing the last assifnment of my course. Last ! Last !


  • At 4:08 AM, Blogger Polly said…

    Tomi,did you not get an extention for the SQL database assignment?

  • At 4:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Maybe they were referring to the blood group B+ :)
    Ok, that was a bad one. Saw it in a hindi movie once. You're right, I mean, one can't always pretend that they're just seeing the good aspects of life. Oh, that's a crime. A deceit. Bad things are there. They say, "S#$t happens". But, lets just pretend that bad stuff will, as a rule, lead to something good.

    DING!! Did that strike a note somewhere? :)

    Hmm... PC is broken. Wait a minute there, I guess I can fix it. I mean, I can just browse through some web pages or maybe browse through the college library floors for books like "PC troubleshooting for goon-heads and bird-brains". Wow!! Maybe I could impress Billy or Marce or Radhika, whenever their PC conks!! :)

    Best of luck with your last assignment!! :)

  • At 11:34 AM, Blogger Tomoko said…

    Polly , thank you for caring about me.
    I got an extntion and submitted it.
    It was really hard...

  • At 11:36 AM, Blogger Tomoko said…

    Ziggy, Actually I could not guess who you are but I think you must be my classmate , right?
    Thank you very much caring about.
    Now my PC is working.
    These days I am so intersted in anatomy of PC and want to see inside.
    But it just starts work properly so I should not do that.


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